Insanity Max:30 K’s First Month Thoughts, Results, and Pics

Hey all-

Well, we have officially wrapped up our first month of Insanity Max:30! I’m happy to report that I didn’t die, even though a few times I felt like I was going to.  I have to say I’m proud of myself for sticking to a whole program, specifically the food.  In the past, I would do different exercise programs like classic Insanity, running, biking–whatever the flavor of the month was for me–but not stick to a solid eating plan.  I mean, I didn’t eat horribly, but I definitely wasn’t consistent.  The fact that I’ve stayed with this for 30 days and more is actually a pretty big deal for me!  Do I feel any better? Maybe.  I do notice that I feel full more quickly.  I used to be able to slam 3 or 4 slices of pizza, no problem.  Don’t judge!  It was veggie pizza, y’all!  Now I feel like I’d be satisfied with just one slice.  I’m more conscious of what I’m putting in my body and that’s good.  The first week of the program was very difficult, and by the second week I actually felt better.  I had more energy and clarity.  The third week I was all Debbie Downer because of scale drama, so I couldn’t tell you if I felt better mentally or physically because I was just in a crappy place for a few days.


The 4th week I felt like I was just present, if that even makes any sense.  I was just plugging along anticipating moving into the next month of Max:30.

Here’s what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

Breakfast– 2 eggs w/ salsa or a protein shake and my beloved coffee.

Lunch– usually leftovers from yesterday’s dinner or a salad w/ protein

Snacks– fruit like an apple or Cutie orange, carrots and hummus, nuts, and quinoa chips and salsa

Dinner- A protein like fish, chicken or sirloin w/ veggies.  I’ve also made a few paleo dishes.  Some were good and others NOT good–don’t make the cauliflower sausage bake.  YUCK.  I’ll be sure to post some of my favorite recipes thus far.  Here’s one that is a huge hit in our house and I’ve fixed it 3 times now.

As far as progress from workouts, here’s my Max Out success:

-Cardio Challenge: went from 8:45 max out time to 13:37 max out

-Tabata Power: went from 10:44: max out to 16:14 max out

-Tabata Strength: went from 11:17 max out and haven’t gotten back to that yet. Weird!  :/

-Sweat Intervals: went from 7:40 max out to 13:08 max out

-Friday Fight: went from 7:11 max out to 11:27 max out (I didn’t get to 11:27 until last week. I would always max out pretty quickly and around the 7-8 minute mark. I found a trick for me–I blasted my favorite workout music during the workout and it really helped propel me through this workout!).  This is my least favorite and I struggle mentally every time to get through it.  Music helped!

-Pulse: I maxed out initially at the table move at 18:44 b/c my balance is crappy.  I’m able to get through it now without maxing out.

-Ab Attack: went from 1:45 (when Shaun T tricks us and says there’s only 5 seconds left and then says, nope it’s 15 seconds!  Damn!  I broke form therefore maxed out).  New Max out 9:14.

I initially thought I wasn’t really improving much in my Max Out times, but I can see that’s just not the case.  There is improvement so I’m also proud of this.  One thing to note is my HR monitor is registering less calories burned per workout than the first week.  I can only attribute that as a marked improvement in my endurance.  Eh, at least I’m working out!  Also, I must note progress in my strength.  I’m able to do more of the moves without modifying.  I’m able to do the wide push-ups now without being on my knees.  I only have to go on my knees for the diamond push-up work.  And ladies and gentlemen…I’m able to do ONE PULL-UP!  I couldn’t believe it!  I almost was able to get 2 reps, but not quite.  I know this isn’t part of the Max program, but I wanted to see if I could do one and I could!  Huzzah!

Day 1-135 lbs  Day 30- 137 lbs  What the hell?  NOT going to get hung up on this, because look at the other stats

Day 1 Waist-29  Day 30- 27 3/4″

Day 1 Hips-38.5  Day 30 – 37″

Day 1 Bust-34″ Day 30 – 34″

Day 1 under bust-29.5″ (I think this was a mistake) Day 30- 30 3/4″

Day 1 arm- 11.5″ Day 30- No change

Day 1 upper Thigh (around biggest part)- 22.5″  Day 30- 21 1/2″

Day 1 Lower Thigh (above knee) – 15.5″ Day 30- No change

Calf (didn’t do day one but week 2) 14″.  Day 30- No change

Around belly button (also no day one measurement but week 2) 34.  Day 30 – 31″

I’m pretty stoked about the inches lost overall, but gaining weight is weird.  Here’s what’s strange.  When I was 127 lbs, my waist was 27″.  What’s weird is I’m nearly there, but I’m 10 lbs heavier.  I guess I can’t look at it like that but it’s hard not to, you know?

Here are my before and 30 days after pics!  Note my outfit in Day 30 looks remarkably like Strawberry Watermelon Hubba Bubba Gum, don’t ya think? 😀






Let’s see what the next 30 days bring!  Keep following Team A & K to see our month 2 updates on the new workouts and our progress.

Pura Vida!





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